🔥 Rabbits fighting mid-air in Kyushu, Japan (scroll through the images)
byu/jamesbond000111 inNatureIsFuc ...
A Rice farmer holding a Japanese Giant Salamander
byu/SubjectAppropriate17 ininterestingasfuck
Japanese Snow Fairy (Shima Enaga) only found in Hokkaido.
byu/kenistod inNatureIsFuckingCute
Via Shohei’s IG story
byu/youthemaster22 inDodgers
A Deer in Nara (Japan) politely waiting for traffic to stop before crossing
byu/Green____cat inBeAmazed
The skeleton panda sea squirt is a species that’s been newly-identified in Japan
byu/Dr_B4leckouille ininterestin ...
If your pet could talk for one day, what’s the first question you would ask them?
byu/LavishLilacx inAskRed ...
Puppers cooling off in Japan…